Thursday, April 30, 2015

Social Media Posts


         Students at Central High school and around the area experienced a moving speech from two legends of Media this morning at Central High School. Mary Beth Tinker, a Freedom fighter and Cathy Keuhlmeier, another media legend spoke to Media students from all around the Springfield Area.
Assembly of the freedom fighters at Central (Hunter Matson)

         Sophomores in the World History class at Central high school took a field trip to KC on Friday to do the annual visit to the national WWI memorial museum. The trip consisted of eating lunch in KC, then spending the majority of the day touring the museum including a 270 foot tall tower. Go Bulldogs!!!
View of KC from the Tower at the Museum (Hunter Matson)
         Middle school students at Central high are taking the MAP test this week. Remember to stay rested up and eat healthy meals so you can get the grade on your district test. Middle school students will not be in their normal classes until they have completed their MAP tests.
Students in Library of Central High School (Hunter Matson)

        Local businesses are helping Springfield. Did you know that for every $100 spent at a local business, $63 goes back to the local economy? Students from Central high school have a very short walk to these businesses and more in Downtown Springfield. Next time you need to go to the store, you might want to consider checking locally first.
Product in a local business (Hunter Matson)
       Central Intelligence hosted their annual CI bootcamp this Friday (April 26, 2015). The new members got to spend the day with the experienced members of CI and get to know their new partner for next year. Students spent the entire day filming, editing, and completing an entire episode of CI. Get ready for CI next year, it's going to be better than ever. Go Bulldogs.
CI Students Practice Anchoring (Hunter Matson)
       Central High School honor students gathered in the Central auditorium with their parents and family for a nigh of honor. Several hundred Central High Students won amazing awards with their high school achievements. Central High school is full of honor students, be proud to go to Central.

       A few weeks ago, hundreds of Central High school science students took their large presentation boards into the Central commons, this can only mean one thing: it's science fair time again. These students took their labs on poster board into the large room to be viewed by other students, family, and judges of the science fair.
Science Fair board at Science Fair (Hunter Matson)
       Junior this week took the now mandatory ACT test. This test is one of the main tests that employers, and colleges look at when considering an application. The pressure is on for these juniors, this week is going to be stressful so they better be prepared.

     This full week of school is the last for the class of 2015. The seniors at Central high school graduate on the 8th of May, next Friday. Most seniors are excited, yet worried about going into the real world. The adult world is going to hit the class of 2015 pretty hard.

     The media one CI episode is coming out in the next few weeks. This episode, completely created by media one students will be a special edition of CI and will be a great learning experience for the students involved. Most of the students involved are really excited and want to get their story into the Media One episode.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Central High School Students Take EOCs

    Students at Central High School in Springfield Missouri will begin taking the end of course tests as the last few weeks of the school year near. These tests are worth a massive portion of the students' grade, sometimes as much as 10%. Students will be tested over pretty much everything they should have learned the entire year. The EOC tests both the students and teachers performance between the beginning of the year and the end of the year. Most of the time these tests are district created and are pretty basic compared to most tests assigned by teachers throughout the year.
Student working at Central High School (Hunter Matson)
     Students are mostly aggravated but okay with doing the EOC tests. For most of the tests, they are either really hard or really easy and many students do not believe they are a good way to test their performance in the classes. The EOC testing will change the current schedule for many students, making them miss other classes or change lunch periods just to complete the test. The EOCs at Central are starting up soon so get plenty of rest and come to school ready to show the district what you are made of .

Media Legends Speak at Central High School

      About 2 weeks ago, Mary Beth Tinker, and Cathy Kuhlmeier spoke at the Central High School auditorium to media students from all over the Southwest area. They told their experiences to all of us of how they both fought the legal system for their constitutionally given freedom. Both of them were held back from what they wanted to do in school. Mary Beth Tinker wore an arm band to school to protest the Vietnam war, and was suspended from school. She fought back for her rights and eventually won the case.  Cathy Kuhlmeier wrote an article in her school newspaper in the 1980's about teen pregnancy and was rejected the ability to print and distribute it. The way she was limited to what she wrote about was denied by the constitution and she fought against it. She eventually won and was then known as a freedom fighter.
Students gather at Central for Freedom Fighters (Hunter Matson)
      These freedom fighters spoke and told students to fight the norm. They said if someone tells you that you can't do something, look and see if it is actually against the rules, or if they are making it up. They told students to always fight for student rights since we are basically adults and are judged by adult laws and court systems. They say the only way to make change is to challenge the norm, and do something that nobody else would dare to do.

Central High School Sophomores Travel to WWI Museum

        Student in the World History class at Central High School traveled to Kansas City last Friday to visit the national WWI Museum. The students went on the optional trip last Friday after spending an entire unit in class learning about WWI. The Museum includes a collection of thousands of WWI artifacts and original pieces from the iconic European war. Students who attended the trip had the option of going into an almost 300 foot tall tower to see Kansas City from a skyward view. The tower was a monument to the millions who gave their lives for WWI.
View of tower from roof of museum in downtown KC (Hunter Matson)
       Students touring the national museum could find many interactive areas to look at and hear sounds of WWI and a huge theater showing a documentary about The Great War. There were many amazing artifacts that showed the visitors and students of the museum the truly massive and deadly aspect of the war. There were massive artillery pieces, planes, and even a huge tank with a shot out of the side of it. Most of the students that I spoke to agreed that this museum trip was a very good use of a field trip and they learned and experienced a lot of information.
Looking up at the monument tower (Hunter Matson)
       This trip to Kansas City that the history department does every year is sure to last for many more years, its success every year ensures that it is an extremely good use of students' time.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Broadcast Journalism Stories

Story about Local Businesses helping local economy

Story about MAP testing at Central High

Small Businesses Help Local Economies

       In the medium sized town of Springfield Mo, sure you have large retailers like Walmart and Target, but you also have the family owned businesses scattered all over town. In our city today, you can find a family owned business almost everywhere you look in downtown Springfield. Businesses like Hurts Donuts, and The Coffee Ethic are not chain retail businesses, but are owned by regular everyday people in Springfield Mo. These businesses sell handmade creations of everything from cakes to coffee to shirts and clothing. If you are wanting to help boost your local economy, you might want to check out these small businesses before you shop retail.
Shop Local sign in Springfield Mo (Hunter Matson)
        For every $100 spent in a local business, about $63 is returned to the community, With facts like this, it is easy to see the benefit of putting your money into a local businesses register, rather than the bank account of a rich retail owner. Every student that Central Intelligence interviewed stated that they would rather spend money at a local business, rather than a retailer since you are boosting the local economy.
Inside of a downtown local business (Hunter Matson)
           With the way these businesses help the economies, it is hard to say no to shopping in their homely atmospheric shops.