Monday, April 27, 2015

Central High School Students Take EOCs

    Students at Central High School in Springfield Missouri will begin taking the end of course tests as the last few weeks of the school year near. These tests are worth a massive portion of the students' grade, sometimes as much as 10%. Students will be tested over pretty much everything they should have learned the entire year. The EOC tests both the students and teachers performance between the beginning of the year and the end of the year. Most of the time these tests are district created and are pretty basic compared to most tests assigned by teachers throughout the year.
Student working at Central High School (Hunter Matson)
     Students are mostly aggravated but okay with doing the EOC tests. For most of the tests, they are either really hard or really easy and many students do not believe they are a good way to test their performance in the classes. The EOC testing will change the current schedule for many students, making them miss other classes or change lunch periods just to complete the test. The EOCs at Central are starting up soon so get plenty of rest and come to school ready to show the district what you are made of .

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