Monday, April 27, 2015

Media Legends Speak at Central High School

      About 2 weeks ago, Mary Beth Tinker, and Cathy Kuhlmeier spoke at the Central High School auditorium to media students from all over the Southwest area. They told their experiences to all of us of how they both fought the legal system for their constitutionally given freedom. Both of them were held back from what they wanted to do in school. Mary Beth Tinker wore an arm band to school to protest the Vietnam war, and was suspended from school. She fought back for her rights and eventually won the case.  Cathy Kuhlmeier wrote an article in her school newspaper in the 1980's about teen pregnancy and was rejected the ability to print and distribute it. The way she was limited to what she wrote about was denied by the constitution and she fought against it. She eventually won and was then known as a freedom fighter.
Students gather at Central for Freedom Fighters (Hunter Matson)
      These freedom fighters spoke and told students to fight the norm. They said if someone tells you that you can't do something, look and see if it is actually against the rules, or if they are making it up. They told students to always fight for student rights since we are basically adults and are judged by adult laws and court systems. They say the only way to make change is to challenge the norm, and do something that nobody else would dare to do.

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