Sunday, April 26, 2015

Small Businesses Help Local Economies

       In the medium sized town of Springfield Mo, sure you have large retailers like Walmart and Target, but you also have the family owned businesses scattered all over town. In our city today, you can find a family owned business almost everywhere you look in downtown Springfield. Businesses like Hurts Donuts, and The Coffee Ethic are not chain retail businesses, but are owned by regular everyday people in Springfield Mo. These businesses sell handmade creations of everything from cakes to coffee to shirts and clothing. If you are wanting to help boost your local economy, you might want to check out these small businesses before you shop retail.
Shop Local sign in Springfield Mo (Hunter Matson)
        For every $100 spent in a local business, about $63 is returned to the community, With facts like this, it is easy to see the benefit of putting your money into a local businesses register, rather than the bank account of a rich retail owner. Every student that Central Intelligence interviewed stated that they would rather spend money at a local business, rather than a retailer since you are boosting the local economy.
Inside of a downtown local business (Hunter Matson)
           With the way these businesses help the economies, it is hard to say no to shopping in their homely atmospheric shops.

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